Katalog izložbe "Sve je moguće" umjetnika Denisa Kraškovića u galeriji Greta / Catalogue of exhibition "Everything is possible" by artist Denis Krašković in Greta gallery - 2016.
LINK NA VIDEO RAD "Ništa me nemože iznenaditi"/
LINK ON VIDEO WORK "Nothing can surprise me":
fotograf/photographer: Marko Ercegović:
fotograf/photographer: Marko Ercegović:
/ Leibniz – Schopenhauer 0:0 /
Da izbjegnemo (moguće) nesporazume, naslov izložbe "Sve
je moguće" zadao je samome sebi, a time i meni, slikar, kipar i video
umjetnik Denis Krašković, ponesen nevidljivim krilima apstraktnog Pegaza ( koji
je, logično, također moguć ) u sublimna bespuća nepredmetne ( ne bespredmetne )
zbiljnosti, prije no što ih jednom za svagda napusti. Po vlastitoj odluci /
konceptu. Vjerovali ili ne.
Iznenađeni? Da li je suvremenu publiku uopće moguće ičim
iznenaditi? Sve je moguće, kad Autor tako odluči.
Primjerice, moguće je, pa čak i veoma vjerojatno, i to da
posred vlastitog "apstrakcionističog" ciklusa Slikar podmetne naivnom
promatraču nešto slično deskriptivno naslikanom smokvinom listu, priljepljenom
k tome na plohu lišenu treće dimenzije pomoću sedam crnih ( također naslikanih ) komada izolirband – trake ili
čega li već, a sve u cilju da prikrije izdaju svijeta figuracije u korist
strogo nepredmetnog svijeta Slike, na kojoj, u stvari, ništa nije takvim kao
što se čini. U ne-mogućoj misiji spašavanja izgubljene zemlje Figuracije
rabljeni su kompromisni hibridni termini poput asocijativne geometrije,
organske ili pak biomorfne apstrakcije, uz kulinarsko – geološko – psychedelic
– arhitektonske primisli. Tako i ovdje vrebaju osebujni crijevasto-zavojničasti
oblici, meta-arhitektura gljivogrudih, tortastih struktura, koje mogu asocirati
na više toga, no Kreator nam je to najstrože zabranio. Zabranjeno voće prognane
Figure! Hedonistički upotpunjeno čistom ružičastom, zelenom, duginim bojama,
obrisa stripovski opisanih crnom linijom. Ima tu i tragova "pittura
immediata" ( Peter Weibel, Medijatizirano slikarstvo ), isječaka
kao-filmske-trake / tračnica, utjecaja eksperimentalnog i animiranog filma,
stripa, videa – čime se Autor i eksplicite bavi, pa si dopušta da i u ovakav
"apstrakcionistički" postav umetne video uradak s nazivom "Ništa
me ne može iznenaditi", u kojemu se Apstraktni Slikar pojavljuje i likom i
djelom. Pored diskretnih britanskih i američkih slikarsko-skulptorskih utjecaja
koji su ne samo mogući već gdjekad i poželjni,u ova inače tegobna
post-postmoderna vremena, valja nam barem spomenuti dašak interferencije između
Kraškovića i generacijskih suboraca Friščića i Zlobeca ( Ibidem: Vedri jahači
ili Konj je moguć ). Ako je Konj moguć, Sve je moguće. "Post-Postpainterly
– Painting". Prometejski Slikar odnosno Skulptor, sputan okovima zakona
Figuracije, kida (te) okove i uživa u sve-mogućim ( Ako! ) modalitetima
apstrakcionizma, po n-ti put, "posljednji put"! Božanski Pitagora,
Sokrat, Platon uzdižu se uvijek iznova iz tmine nestvarne
"stvarnosti" do carstva apstrakcije. Jezdeći na Pegazovim neosedlanim
Branko Cerovac
Govor kustosa Branka Cerovca na otvorenju izložbe "Sve je moguće" umjetnika Denisa Kraškovića u galeriji Greta 19.12.2016.
"ALL –
/ Leibniz –
Schopenhauer 0:0 /
In order to
avoid ( possible ) misunderstandings, the title of the exhibition “Everything
is possible” was given to himself and therefore to me too, by the painter,
sculpture and video artist Denis Krašković, lifted by the invisible wings of
abstract Pegasus ( which is, logically, also possible ), to the sublimes of
nothingless of pointless ( not irrelevant ) reality, before leaving it finally
forever. By his own decision / concept. Believe it or not. Surprised? Is it
possible to even surprise the modern audience? Everything is possible, when the
Author decides it is.
example, it is possible and maybe even probable, and that in the midst of his
own "abstract" cycle, the painter planted for a naive observer
something like a descriptively painted fig leaf, attached to a surface devoid
of the third dimension with the help of seven black ( also painted ) pieces of
isolation tape or whatever, and all in order to cover up the betrayal of the
world of figuration in favour of the strictly pointless world of pictures,
where, in fact, nothing is such as it seems. In the impossible rescue mission of
the lost land of Figurations, compromising hybrid terms were used such as
associative geometry, organic or biomorphic abstraction, with culinary -
geological - psychodelic - architectural afterthoughts. So here lurking are distinctive
enteric-curvy forms, meta-architecture mushroomy, cake-like structures, which
may be associated with more things, but the creator strictly prohibited this. Forbidden
Fruit of the displaced Figure! Hedonistically complemented pure pink, green,
rainbow colours, contours described with a black line. There are also traces of
"pittura immediata" ( Peter Weibel, mediatized painting ), clips as
film strips / rails, the impact of experimental and animated films, comics,
video - which the author explicitly deals with, so he allows himself in this
"abstractionist" setting to put an artificial video work” titled
Everything is possible", in which the abstract painter appears in his life
and work. In addition to discrete British and American painting and sculpture
influences that are not only possible but sometimes desirable, in these
otherwise harsh post-post-modern times, we need to at least mention a touch of
interference between Krašković and generational comrades Frišić and Zlobec ( Ibid:
Happy Riders or Horse is Possible ). If the horse is possible, anything is
possible. "Post-Postpainterly - Painting". Promethean Painter and
Sculptor, chained with the law of Figuration, breaks the chains and enjoys
all-possible ( If! ) modalities of abstractionism, for the nth time, "the
last time"! The divine Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato rise again and again
from the darkness of unreal "reality" to the kingdom of abstraction. Riding
bareback on Pegasus' back.
Branko Cerovac
Krašković rođen je 1972. godine u Zagrebu. U rodnom je gradu maturirao na
Školi za primijenjenu umjetnost i dizajn gdje je i predavao na Kiparskom odjelu
od 1996. do 2007. godine. 1994. diplomirao je na Kiparskom odsjeku Akademije
likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Od 2007. godine je profesor na Likovnom odsjeku
Umjetničke akademije Osijek gdje predaje Kiparstvo, trenutno u zvanju
izvanrednog profesora. 2010. Magistrirao je na Akademiji za likovno umetnost u
Ljubljani. Dobitnik je više nagrada, između ostalih i Grand prix Salona mladih
u Zagrebu 2000. godine. 2012. godine osvojio je drugu nagradu na video
natjecanju The Residents u Olomoucu u Republici Češkoj. Prošle
godine je osvojio Grand prix na Zagorskom likovnom salonu. Izlagao je na
brojnim samostalnim i skupnim izložbama u Hrvatskoj (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka,
Osijek, Rovinj, Pula, Labin, Koprivnica, Sisak, Dubrovnik, Šibenik, Slavonski
Brod... ) i inozemstvu (Budimpešta, Berlin, Beč, Los Angeles, Torino, Prag,
Olomouc, Metz, Krakow, Johannesburg, Ljubljana, Maribor, Skopje... ). Autor je
više javnih skulptura od kojih su najpoznatije “Kit” na zagrebačkom jezeru
Jarun, “Morž“ i “Janje“ ispred Arene u Zagrebu, te dvije monumentalne skulture
„Neandertalac“ u Krapini.
Krašković was born in Zagreb, Croatia, in 1972. Graduted in his
native town from the School for Applied Art and Design and was teaching here
on Sculpture department from year 1996. - 2007. In year 1994.
graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, on Sculpture
Department. From year 2007. is a professor at the Osijek Art Academy,
Visual Art department, teaching the Sculpture and Public art. In year
2010. graduated as a magister from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana at
Sculpture department. Awarded with a number of prices, among the others
with the Grand Prix for year 2000. on the Youth Salon in Zagreb. In year
2012. he won second price at video competition „The Residents“ at Olomouc,
Chech Republik. Last year he won Grand prix at Zagorje salon. Exhibited on many
individual and group exhibitions in Croatia (Zagreb,Split, Rijeka, Osijek,
Rovinj, Pula, Labin, Koprivnica, Sisak, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Brod...) and abroad
(Budapest, Berlin, Vienna, Los Angeles, Turin, Prague, Olomouc, Metz, Tel Aviv,
Krakow, Johannesburg, Lubljana, Maribor, Skopje...). Made some public
sculptures, the best known is "The Whale" standing on a
lake Jarun in Zagreb, then the sculptures "The Sea
Lion" and "The Lamb" placed near Arena in Zagreb,
and two monumental statues "Neanderthal man" in Krapina.